Meritha's Veterinary Research Laboratory (MVOL) is a continuation of the molecular laboratory of the NOIVBD. The molecular laboratory of the NOIVBD was founded in 2009 by students
of the Avans Academy in Breda under the direction of Prof. Dr. Drs. Gerry M. Dorrestein as a research project on Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD). With the participation of
ing. Meritha E. van Lit the lab has grown to become a full- fledged research laboratory where we routinely run serological tests (ELISA) on PDD. Many parrot specialists and enthusiasts
make use of our services. With the founding of MVOL we will continue these services and we also expanded the offer of serological tests (ELISA). See the paragraph on serology on our website for
all the possibilities we can offer. In addition to serological testing, we also provide independent microbiological and
parasitological examinations of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
Ing. Meritha E. van Lit